Come enjoy Christian life together, experiencing transformational teaching and gospel-centered community through Life Groups, Life University, and Life Care!
Adult Discipleship
Life Together
Adult Discipleship
Life Together
Come enjoy Christian life together, experiencing transformational teaching and gospel-centered community through Life Groups, Life University, and Life Care!
Life Groups (Sunday School)
Sundays 9:30AM
Here is gospel community: pursuing Christ and forming relationships that last beyond Sunday morning. Find a group that is right for you!
Adult Groups
College - Youth Fellowship Hall
Single Young Adults - Main 209
Young Couples - Activity Fellowship Hall 181
The Berean - Activity Fellowship Hall 188
The Journey - Activity Fellowship Hall 184
In Depth Bible Study - Main 114
Life's Messy - Activity 276
Apostles - Activity 271
Online Option - Zoom, sign up HERE
Legacy Groups (60+)
Fellowship - Activity 281
Gallagher - Activity 275
Dawn (Women) - Activity 282
Wood (Women) - Activity 283
Fishermen's (Men) - Activity 284
LifeU Livestream
Spring 2025 All Adults LifeU Classes
Parenting by Grace
Dr. Rob pochek
For too long Christian parents have followed a culturally informed approach to raising their children. God has a better way for us! Parenting by Grace is designed to help Christian parents view their role as parents through the lens of Scripture. In so doing, we will discover that the gospel has a bigger and better goal than simply turning out kids who obey, are polite, and achieve cultural success. This course will focus on the motivation and maturity of the parents as much as it will provide insights for moms and dads to parent well.
Spiritual Disciplines
Rev. Dale Fields
CHoir ROom
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life is a course designed to guide the Christian through a carefully selected array of disciplines including Scripture reading, Scripture meditation, worship, prayer, evangelism, fasting, serving, silence and solitude, and more. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each helps you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them on a long-term basis, Spiritual Disciplines provides you with a refreshing opportunity to “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” (1 Tim. 4:7) at the start of a new year.
Bill Fulkerson & Reid Young
FH 182
Did you know there are over 2,350 verses in the Bible about money? Did you know that nearly half of Jesus' parables are about possessions? The Bible is packed with wise counsel about your financial life. In fact, Jesus had more to say about money than about heaven and hell combined. Eliminate debt, get control of your finances, and live more generously!
Spring 2025 Women's LifeU Classes and Groups
KNowing god - the Book of Isaiah
Chelsea Hall
FH 188
The Old Testament scriptures are key to understanding the gospel and who the Messiah Jesus is because, like Jesus says in John 5:39, they point to him. Without Jesus the Messiah the Old Testament does not make sense (Luke 24:25-27,44-47) and without the Old Testament storyline of redemption and prophecies of the coming Messiah, the New Testament cannot be appreciated in all its fullness.
Join Chelsea Hall as we study through the book of Isaiah together in this 16-week study. Isaiah has been called “the 5th gospel” because of the richness of its Messianic prophecies. This book will illuminate your understanding into why so many things in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus were significant. It will thrill your heart to God-exalting worship as you gain a glorious vision of the God Isaiah encountered.
Precept study - the Book of Ruth
Ellie Angeline
Room 271
What You Will Discover:
The story of Ruth showcases God’s provision and faithfulness in the lives of everyday people.
See how this story of redemption points to our ultimate redeemer – Jesus Christ.
Trauma Reboot
Mary Pat Fulkerson, Tracey Young, & Joy Jensen
Main 209
Trauma REBOOT is a 12-week, women's, faith-based, peer-led course empowering everyday people to overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future. Through practical teaching and a supportive community, Trauma REBOOT can help you break free from the pain of your past and find renewed purpose and strength. Join us and start your journey of healing. There is a cost for joining the REBOOT national program giving you many resources. After registering more detailed information will be sent to you.
Moms In Prayer
Michelle Cox
Room 281
Join moms of all stages as we come together for prayer. Whether you are a mom with kids in home school, public school, private school, preschool, or not-yet-in school, all moms are welcome. Learn how to pray conversationally with Scripture.
Recorded Classes and Resources
Find teaching to transform your life, watch recordings of the four core classes taught here at FBC during our LifeU semesters. Come visit in person on a Wednesday Night, September-May, check out the Events page for more details!
invitation to evangelism
Most Christians know we should be sharing the gospel with nonbelievers, but we often lack the confidence to do so. In this class we will examine evangelism from biblical, theological, historical, and practical perspectives, to provide a well rounded understanding of what it means to share the gospel with conviction and compassion.
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
This course is designed to guide the Christian through a carefully selected array of disciplines by illustrating why they are important, showing how each helps you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them on a long-term basis, Spiritual Disciplines provides you with a refreshing opportunity to “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” (1 Tim. 4:7) at the start of a new year.
tough topics
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Note-Taking Outlines
Some of our core classes have note-taking outlines available - find yours below!
Life Care
Open / Co-Ed Group
Life Recovery is a biblically-based 12 Step program that combines God's Word with a proven recovery method. It is a safe, welcoming, and anonymous environment where people with similar struggles meet to build each other up in Christ and are given practical tools to overcome addiction. You are not alone. Hope and help are available.
Childcare also available!
Trauma REBOOT is a 12-week, women's, faith-based, peer-led course empowering everyday people to overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future. Through practical teaching and a supportive community, Trauma REBOOT can help you break free from the pain of your past and find renewed purpose and strength. Join us and start your journey of healing.
GriefShare is a safe support group and a welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid Biblical support each step of the way. Each week our 90-minute meetings will allow time to watch the videos and hold group discussions. Please know that you do not have to commit to all 13 weeks and are welcome to attend when you're able.
Upcoming Events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...