KNowing god - the Book of Isaiah
Chelsea Hall
FH 188
The Old Testament scriptures are key to understanding the gospel and who the Messiah Jesus is because, like Jesus says in John 5:39, they point to him. Without Jesus the Messiah the Old Testament does not make sense (Luke 24:25-27,44-47) and without the Old Testament storyline of redemption and prophecies of the coming Messiah, the New Testament cannot be appreciated in all its fullness.
Join Chelsea Hall as we study through the book of Isaiah together in this 16-week study. Isaiah has been called “the 5th gospel” because of the richness of its Messianic prophecies. This book will illuminate your understanding into why so many things in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus were significant. It will thrill your heart to God-exalting worship as you gain a glorious vision of the God Isaiah encountered.